We’ll book the appointments for you.

Up to 750 outbounds daily ~ trained cold callers & customized sales videos, on your behalf. 

Let's dissect your current sales flow and see how we can help

How we help

  • Create Roadmap

    Eliminate any obstacles & plan your way to a scalable sales model.

  • Implement

    Work one-on-one to apply processes to your business.

  • Execute

    We’ll take over your entire cold calling & email marketing operations. Install & train BDRs on your behalf to slingshot your sales forward.

Say Hello to 
Project Founders

We are a growth consulting agency that helps businesses scale their customer base. We have the capacity to take over your entire prospecting operation and book you solid with appointments.

We specialize in cold calling & email campaigns.

  • Imagine what you can do with an additional 4,000 cold calls per month.

  • Fully automated & robust email campaigns.

  • Get to a repeatable & scalable sales model.

  • Delegate your prospecting to us.


Project Founders helped me prepare the foundation for my company NearHero. I wasted a lot of time and resources bringing in customers that weren’t ideal for us. 

The strategies & sales labor provided showed me how to target only valuable & ideal customers and helped me implement the new plan one on one. 

In addition to this they created what my partner and I keep referring to as a “playbook”. Full of market research specific to our company was done and the growth strategies that he teaches have been beyond helpful. 

Christina Saunders, NearHero

Moe, the CEO is one of the most effective salespeople I've met. While working at my startup, we brought him in to help sell a new product, and within a couple of months he managed to put together a team of prospectors, identify a process that led to 5-10 demos per week, and doubled the number of customers we had. 

On top of all that, he is one of the nicest, most positive people I've ever met and is a joy to work with. Highly recommended his work with Project Founders. You can't go wrong.

Shanif Dhanani, Apteo AI

Project Founders work has been instrumental for us. We finished development and fundraising over a year ago and have been struggling with maintaining a high level of traction ever since. 

Money was running dry and we had no idea why things were stagnant but Project Founders really helped us get on track. The acquisition and retention strategies he laid out on top of understanding our customers on such a level made all the difference. 

John Bianchi, Point Analytics

During the last 4 months, our company has been working with Project Founders on a comprehensive Customer Acquisition Process and Implementation. The CEOs expertise and willingness to help us through unchartered territory has allowed us to position ourselves for a successful launch. 

As a Sports-tech startup company, the more information gathered by building and conducting sales processes, the better your product will fit your end customers. In short, guiding us through the process of testing critical sales assumptions and value propositions helped us validate certain hypothesis on some products while pivoting on others.

In addition to his positive disposition, it has been the knowledge of the process and creative adaptation to our industry that has resulted in our company being able to accurately target our customers. I would strongly recommend these services and I look forward to working with Project Founders on future projects.

Cindy Alciva, GÉR Sports

And Many More